For the second iteration of the wandering machine. We agreed to work with 31 objects, in 3 different scales adjusted to each of the rings to get some space in between each silhouette. The proportions for the Silhouette on each ring is important and is best already addressed with looking for reference images. When we in the fourth interaction sequence move to real 3d objects this will become less important because we can adjust the angle of the 3d object without distorting it. Distribution can be made through a bounding box model.
Updated 20220515
Here are all the 93 objects as shadows scaled to their actual size to each other.
We created a list of the 31 objects and they are at the moment 15 that deal with nature, one neutral 0 object, and 15 that deal with culture.
31 objects
1 Nature | Amorphous objects |
2 Nature | Octopus |
3 Nature | Tree |
4 Nature | Mushroom |
5 Nature | Roots |
6 Nature | Predator |
7 Nature | Tumbling weed |
8 Nature | Seaweed |
9 Nature | Deep-sea Fish |
10 Nature | Reptile |
11 Nature | Butterfly |
12 Nature | Insect |
13 Nature | Coral |
14 Nature | Bird |
15 Nature | Hybrid animals |
16 Nature/culture | Lighter |
17 Culture | Rocket |
18 Culture | Barglobe |
19 Culture | Flying vehicle |
20 Culture | Mechanical instrument |
21 Culture | Warn sport gloves |
22 Culture | Strange objects |
23 Culture | Hybrid robotic Beings |
24 Culture | Trophy |
25 Culture | Rocking chair |
26 Culture | Ship |
27 Culture | wire |
28Culture | Street light |
29 Culture | Tool |
30 Culture | Spiral staircase |
31 Culture | Writing machine |
Here are the first complete and iteration of the 93 objects
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